Tourist village health resorts Saba an achievable dream and beautiful villas designed with residence (cottages) in a modern style and facing the lake is built. Saba to each villa, in addition to comfortcomplete facilities, a private boats also puts at your disposalso you can spend some of your leisure hours on the lake. In addition to this, beauty, joy, peace is a gift from village health Saba to stay guests who want to have an experience in living in a villa.
The first village in the country called health Sabain Qom province with Dastjerd international tourism area was approved in the cabinet and in between all areas of samples has the highest physical progress. On 11.07.1394 with the presence of Mr. Ali Larijani Head Parliament, Mr. M. Soltanifar Head of Cultural Heritage, handicrafts and Tourism and the provincial authorities, was inaugurated.
Opening of the first phase in the presence of Mr. Ali Larijani images